Crepes Made Jacques’ Way

2012 09 10 Making Crepes-004

When I want a bit of a change in my breakfast routine, I usually pick crepes; I don’t like to fuss with recipes first thing in the morning either, so this is a GREAT go-to treat for me. There’s no REAL measuring and I can drink my coffee and have a crepe (or five) while I finish cooking the rest for everyone else.

I was too lazy to go look for Jacques’ recipe I have written down, so I pulled up this short video from his show; he didn’t include the actual recipe in the video so I just guess-timated:

2 to 3 T butter, begin melting this in your 10 inch skillet

about 1 cup of flour
a pinch of salt
a couple pinches of sugar

Give the dry ingredients a whisk and then add:

2 eggs
1/4 c. milk (+more)

Whisk it all together until there are no lumps in the batter, then add enough milk to make a very thin batter.

Mix in the melted butter from the frying pan and then add about 1/4 c. of batter to the already buttered skillet. Swirl it around to coat the bottom of the pan and put back on the heat. As the edges begin to curls and the first side begins to brown. Turn the crepe over. Cook until it starts to brown on the other side.

Oh just watch Jacques do it here.

Making crepes is not rocket science, but they’re delicious! Fill them or fold them. Eat them with syrup, berries or jam. You can also make savory crepes filled with all sorts of delicious things like asparagus or chicken. The possibilities are nearly endless.

And I have a confession to make; I like to eat leftover crepes plain, straight from the fridge. No butter, no fruit, no jam. Just plain.